Bredalsholmen Dokk og Fartøyvernsenter
The Bredalsholmen Shipyard and Preservation Center


The centre offers visitors a unique experience. Large ships in the dock, the clanging of riveting hammers, red-hot metal and flying sparks - and an exciting history behind every ship in the dock and alongside the quay. Restoration is carried out using old craft techniques. The steel plates are riveted together using red hot rivets, which makes a deafening din. Visitors are allowed to go down into the dock and enter the ships during the restoration work and can follow the processes at close hand. (Wearing a hardhat and earplugs of course!)



Filling the dry dock at Bredalsholmen in the spring of 2007

We recommend that all visits are agreed in advance. To contact us call (+47)38 60 10 50 or send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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N-4623 Kristiansand


Tlf: 38 60 10 50


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